Exploring Dhanachuli

Local treks

Miles of unspoilt countryside dotted with wild flowers and fragrant apple orchards make for a scenic backdrop to Te Aroha. We have mapped trails to suit your choice, that is, to go on a challenging trek or take a leisurely stroll along a tiny wooded lane. Fill your senses with the scent of the earth, as you trek through mountain trails through picturesque paths that take you on a journey of discovery. Most trails meander through the enchanting villageof Dhanachuli where you can get glimpses of the local architecture and the way of life of its people in over 200 households spread on the hillocks and the valley below.

Enjoy Kumaoni cuisine in a local villager’s home

As you trek, we can arrange for you to stop at a local villager’s house and experience freshly made Kumaoni food for lunch.

If you prefer we can carry a picnic basket with sandwiches, snacks and tea made by our chefs.


The hills of Dhanachuli are home to a variety of interesting birds and their sound is like nature's symphony. With its rich diversity of flora and fauna, and a terrain which varies from the beautiful Oak and Rhododendron to Pine forests, Dhanachuli is a perfect destination for avid birders or the enthusiastic naturalist seeking to enjoy the regions rich bird life. Birds reside in abundance on the fruit and wild trees that inhabit the Te Aroha mountain.

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Te Aroha
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